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Glenn Hearson

MyAsthma Smartphone App

MyAsthma Smartphone App

​​​A new smartphone app "MyAsthma" has been developed with healthcare professionals both at GSK and the Nottingham Respiratory Research Unit to ensure quality and accuracy in the information it provides.

​The app is designed to help patients understand their asthma by providing environmental and lifestyle information that may be relevant to their condition, together with data indicating the status of their asthma. Patients or their carers have the ability to check and track their asthma control by using the Asthma Control Test (ACT) or the Childhood Asthma Control Test (C-ACT) as appropriate within the app, and they can export information from the app to share with their healthcare professional if they choose to do so. The app is not intended to diagnose asthma or provide advice on medicines as this is the responsibility of the patients’ healthcare professionals.

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