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  • Glenn Hearson

Research volunteer Anne has completed more than 10 research studies with us

Our dedicated team of doctors, research nurses, scientists and admin staff came out to say a big thank you to Anne Sladen for her wonderful support of asthma research.

Anne has been a willing participant in more than 10 asthma studies the unit has run over the past 7 years. Without the support from people like Anne, who give up their own time to be involved with research, the Nottingham RRU could not deliver research projects.

Nottingham RRU Volunteer Anne

Living with a respiratory disease can be difficult and may lead to a poor quality of life and countless hospital admissions. Research into improving our understanding how a disease affects the body or understanding how new medicines can help improve symptoms offer hope for the future.

Thank you Anne and, all our other volunteers who have participated in any respiratory research study.

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